Monday, October 27, 2008

Let me OUT!

I need alcohol right now;
I want to be out of control;
I feel like going out on a wild night;
I miss the feeling of acting crazy, stepping out of boundary;
Being just me, as if no one is judging;
Just wanna laugh all night and being able to let a stranger touch me wthout feeling afraid..
Let the beast out of me;
I just wanna get drunk;
I want guys to take advantage of me;
I need it badly;
I'm just tired being sober....


...$weE+ 666... said...

tired of being sober huh?
i saw myself being that person.

my first thot, God is looking. but, he put this person in my life for a reason. i'm not being judgemental in any way but as i sit here and read and learn, i hate to admit that i have failed, yet again. i'm frustrated, humiliated, angry and so sick of hiding this from everyone in my life...

do u? let's go out sometimes huh?!

comel said...

niat ade...allah x datangkan dosa lagi...tapi jangan laksanakan ape2 yang akak nyatakan k...
nuar doakan akak...

comel said...

salam kak!
ade mase baca la maknyah dari edisi 1 sampai la ni